Wednesday 20 November 2013

Our ideas for location

Courtney and I discussed what we thought would be a 'fitting' location. Because both Courtney and myself cannot travel we had to decide on somewhere that is within walking distance for both of us. Finally we settled on Wood Lane in Northorpe.

 This is an Earth view of our chosen location
 This is a satillite view of the chosen location
This is a street view of the chosen location for filming
We chose to film our thriller opening down Wood Lane in Northorpe. We chose this as our location as it is quite a deserted location that being that there are no houses and the road is only surrounded by feilds. This will emphasise abandonment. The fact that the street is abandoned will create an eerie atmosphere which is a common convention in thriller openings as they set the scene for the rest of the movie. A thriller opening should create a sence of fear and tension and we feel that setting our thriller opening down an abandoned road will create that.

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